The Australian Federal Government called Benjamin Netanyahu their friend!
He mass murdered over 32,000 innocent Palestinians, and Australia stood by him as Israel dropped their hell-fire missiles, conducted their carpet bombing campaigns, white phosphorous, snipers, abductions and torture through starvation and famine. There must be a Just Stand by those who can.

They went through women's things and posed for the camera. No female Federal MP or shadow MP said a single word. Those who advocate for women's rights remained silent.

Children are no obstacle to the Israeli Defence Force. They enter Gaza homes and humiliate and mock their people and children. No Federal MP who calls for the protection of children said a single word.
They held their collective "silence"
They commented on everything anti-semitic but could not condemn Israel for a single act. Every word, statement and speech were mere words of concern and never condemnation.

This is about humanity and standing for what is just.
All are affected. This genocide transcends race and ethnicity. Whether Muslim, Christian, Arab or Palestinian, all are affected. ​When South Africa took Israel to the International Court of Justice, Australia rejected the premise of the case of genocide (according to Penny Wong).

Why some Labor MPs should lose their seats.
Tony Burke and Jason Clare promised to stand for justice on Palestine before the 2022 Federal Election. They relied on the community for their votes and failed to echo their voices when it mattered. In a recent survey conducted in the area of Blaxland (Jason Clare), 97% of those surveyed (n=1600) said that they would change their vote at the next Federal election and that they were very disappointed with Jason Clare's response. A survey will also be conducted shortly for the seat of Watson (Tony Burke) but the same results are anticipated based on anecdotal reports.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do you stand for? We stand for issues that affect people across the spectrum. We want all our voices to be heard across the political spectrum - on issues like Palestine and much more. Beyond this, we look to create viable grassroots political infrastructure in our communities.
Is this a political party? No, we are a loose collective. Our principal aims are to educate and mobilise at the grassroots.
How do I know I can trust you? Our supporting organisations enjoy the support of thousands of grassroots all over the country. We are a collective of the grassroots.
Are you backing any political party? No. We want the common voices heard across the political spectrum - on issues like Palestine and much more. Beyond this, we look to create viable grassroots political infrastructure in our communities. Having an independent voice is real representation of the issues in contrast to a political party.
This site is driven by like-minded community individuals seeking to make our votes count. The status quo will not change any other way. ​​
The Australian Labor Party promised the Australian people complete transparency before the election and have been anything but transparent.